Thursday, April 15, 2010

WSJ: "Remorse as a way of life"

Like the selection from the 7th, today's entry does not have AWoL in the body, but just the subject of the piece. It's actually a book review by Brendan Simms, "Remorse as a way of life", from the Wall Street Journal, of Pascal Bruckner's "The Tyranny of Guilt". Like before, here's the first paragraph (of the review):

"Over the years, historians and political scientists, studying the ways in which societies organize themselves, have come up with a range of categories to describe the state itself: the "feudal state," for instance, or the "garrison state," or, more recently, the "knowledge state." Properly applied, such labels can be a useful way of understanding the character of a nation or society at a particular historical moment."

Follow the link below for the full review:

Remorse as a way of life

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