Wednesday, April 21, 2010

HuffPost: "embrace a more sustainable way of life"

This quote, on the eve of Earth Day, comes from Brian Hardwick's article, "Finding a New Way to Live - Innovation Isn't Enough to Spark a Clean-Energy Revolution". Although it appeared on the Huffington Post, it first appeared elsewhere.

"While pushing for global consensus and regulation, we need to spend an equal amount of time and money on figuring out how to redesign our current existence. We need to better understand how we live, work, and interact with energy right now. If we examine what the average person in any society doesn't like about how they currently live, what annoys them, and what they want improved, perhaps we could find answers in clean, healthy alternatives. Additionally, we need a deep understanding of the cultural and political obstacles to change and determine the best ways to break these down. I'm not suggesting focus groups or polling for attitudes. We need practical research that involves experts and people working together to identify what works for individuals and communities -- and what doesn't. We have millions of smart‚ creative professionals who spend their time and billions of dollars figuring out how to get consumers to buy the latest car or embrace the next mobile phone. Imagine if we could get these same folks to apply their energy and talent toward convincing consumers to embrace a more sustainable way of life."

Follow the link below for the full article:

Finding a New Way to Live - Innovation Isn't Enough to Spark a Clean-Energy Revolution

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