Friday, April 23, 2010

HuffPost: "the absence of a mindset and way of life"

This one comes from Jonathan Ellerby 's piece, "The Five Forces of Faith: Creating Everyday Miracles", at the Huffington Post. I'm not religious, but I am spiritual, and reading these...well they were concepts that I definitely think could apply to people of any belief system:

"The only faith that I fear is the blind faith that is the opposite of an engaged act. It is the absence of a mindset and way of life, but instead is a form of abdication and justification. To use faith to further an agenda, seems a paradox. Faith is about listening to the deepest self, and highest calling. It is an intimate relationship between an individual and a higher vision or power. I don't see it as an exercise of will against others."

Follow the link below for the full article:

The Five Forces of Faith: Creating Everyday Miracles

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